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The Scout and Guide Method

The Scout and Guide method explains the educational part of what we call «Scouting and Guiding». It describes the main goals of Scouting and Guiding and the means to achieve them. The main goal of Scouting and Guiding in Switzerland is to promote the overall personal development, enabling children and youth to become responsible citizens.

The five relations (goals)

The meaning of «overall development» is defined using the five relations. These relations are all complementary. For each relation, the Swiss Scout and Guide Movement formulates a goal, which its members try to achieve by the activities they offer, using the seven methods.

Relationship with the self: being self-confident and critical

Relationship with the body: taking care of the body and expressing oneself

Relationship with others: meeting others and respecting them

Relationship with God/spiritual dimension: being open and reflective

Relationship with the world: being creative and act in an ecological way

The seven methods

The seven methods are ways given by the SSGM to achieve the educational goals.

Personal development

Law and Promise

Life in the group

Rituals and traditions

Participation and responsibility

Outdoor life


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